Friday, October 16, 2009

Defining Pain

To God...Hope you are listening :'-)

I have over the past couple of years heard a lot of inspirational stories and seen a lot of rich presentations/ videos on motivation. More often than not, they have a message of keeping positive and telling us that failures are part and parcel of life, without which success cannot be achieved and infact success cannot be appreciated without it. I agree, wholeheartedly. Just that there is a small problem.

What do you about time? Till when are you able to cope with your situation if it is continuously going downhill. When do you say enough is enough and you cannot take it anymore. Furthermore, what do you do after that? What are the choices a person can make.

There is a theory where a lot of people mention about happiness and sadness having their own specific time lines and both definitely coming to an end after some time. Not sure about this though. Just take my case. Everyday my depression keeps becoming deeper. Everyday i think the corner is just about to be taken and i will be free again but it does not. I have been thinking on those lines for the last 2 years. That is an awful lot of time to be depressed :) and i am just tired, plain tired. Now how do i decide that its time to throw in the towel or not? Till when should i continue.

And hey, before you make a judgment call about me, let me assure you that i have tried...a lot! Tried to be happy and not getting bogged down. I have always got up and tried to push myself harder. Try and make myself better and try and adapt to situations around me. Sure, i have been grumpy sometimes but that has never stopped me from giving myself a good chance of trying to be happy. Oh and yes, i try to be happy every moment or at least most moments. A lot of times it is false and most possibly meant for other friends to make them happy but didnt someone say that your own happiness lies in the happiness of others? Hmmm...again an unanswerable question!

Another thing; i am religious or at least believe in god and used to pray, till a couple of months back when i realised that it is all so futile. The gods are not really going to help you. I believe in their existence completely but am not sure as to their work profile; as in what are they supposed to do if they cannot even guide you, forget about helping you directly. All i had asked was for some guidance to tell me the path that i should take but umhnnnn; sorry guys but God really didnt answer and the situation is not that great. So again; what should i do? Interesting question that!

I know some people will come and tell you that there is so much misery in this world and yours is nothing compared to that. Agreed that i am not physically handicapped, agreed that i not mired in poverty, agreed that i don't have abusive parents and definitely agree that i have had many more opportunities compared to so many others around me. However, pain is very very relative. Its almost like a child aspiring for a chocolate while a grown up man aspiring for a luxury car or an old man aspiring for comfortable retirement. Aspirations and pain are very very relative. A person might be poor but extremely happy. The opposite is quite true too. And i am sure you understand what i am saying. Everyone would have gone through some form of pain and sadness in their life. The question is, for how long?

You might ask why i am not thankful for all that i have got?...Well i am, i definitely am for having had some good times in my life but i can't just live on those memories for life, right? particularly when the painful ones are so near and recent. What are the next steps when everything that you do gets a spanner in the works. Every step that you take encounters a roadblock.

I consider my aspirations to be a happy and cozy dream. About finding life and soul within you and enjoying every living moment to its fullest. Why is it a crime to dream about this. Ok, now coming to the question of if i am tired with all of this, what are my options. Do i decide to end my life. Is it not an option of the losers or is it that god has to maintain a percentage of suicides every year and that some people will come to their end irrespective of how much they tried to resurrect themselves. Is there any other option; maybe just let go and let life decide for you while you do nothing and wait for some god to act. But isn't a purposeless life meaningless. Will you not become a dead man walking. Or you may decide to continue fighting but then again till when...or is there no end?

Just a final word. I recently heard a quote 'Keep swinging away' when you encounter troubles. Its supposedly a very famous quote by some baseball player of the 60's. I have one question, what happens when after swinging a lot of times, your arms are really tired. Do you drop your bat?!

Any suggestions! :-) (A very wry smile)


AlmostPerfect said...

Well, no suggestions. However I agree with you on the point of dreams & having a lot but wanting more than that. There are different aspects of misery and I might not be poor etc. but might be miserable.

Though I can't really suggest any way out but know throwing in the towel is not an option. And i am not being philosophical, just talking from experience.

Anonymous said...

Could it be that you are looking for happiness in the wrong place/time?

To me one of the worst form of misery is when you are wronged by those you love; if you have been wronged by time then it won't be long before the tide turns. Throwing in the towel is NOT an option, and not even the last resort.

Hang in there buddy...