Monday, January 11, 2010

Why Robin?

I have been asked this question so many times in the last 5 years that i think its better i will just lay bare the secret to this one...

Before the answer, let me tell you the reason for the question. I have a nickname 'Robin' which i have used for literally everything, from online and offline gaming, user profile to anonymous blogging...basically everywhere. Which brings us to the question...Why Robin? People have never been able to understand the reasons for me choosing such a nickname and using it so often. My friends even started calling me Robin instead of my real name.

Anyways so this the 'cheesy' yet true answer. My zodiac sign is Sagittarius and this Zodiac signifies the archer. Now, who has been called the greatest archer ever in the western world?...Er, Umm....Robin Hood!....and that is the correct answer.

Finally to round off my misery (er Mystery!) - This is as per Linda Goodman. No i do not read her books...i just happened to chance on one of her articles a long time back and quite liked reading about dreamy archers aiming for the stars...just that one time and never again.

I swear!!


AlmostPerfect said...

Yes i believe you.... since i was one of the countless ppl u patiently explained the funda behind the name :)

Robin said...

I have been talking to you too much AlmostPerfect! :P